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Tamm-Horsfall protein in the glomerular capsular space.
  1. A R McGiven,
  2. J S Hunt,
  3. W A Day,
  4. R R Bailey


    Tamm-Horsfall protein was detected within the capsular space by immunofluorescence in 7 of 72 consecutive patients on whom renal immunopathological studies were performed. Three patients showed prominent aggregates or crescentic collections affecting 30-50% glomeruli; the remaining four patients showed smaller aggregates between lobules. All patients showed pathological evidence of tubulointerstitial disease. It is suggested that Tamm-Horsfall protein in the capsular space is a sign of intratubular urinary backflow and that Tamm-Horsfall antiserum is a useful addition to the reagents used in the immunofluorescence study of renal biopsies.

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