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Antimicrobial activity of silicone rubber used in hydrocephalus shunts, after impregnation with antimicrobial substances.
  1. R Bayston,
  2. R D Milner


    Colonisation of cerebrospinal fluid shunts by coagulate-negative staphylococci (Staphylococcus albus) is a serious problem. Because of its possible role in prevention of the condition, the antimicrobial activity of silicone rubber after impregnation with antimicrobial drugs was studied. The method of impregnation used and test methods were found to be important. Formaldehyde-urea condensates gave no activity. Gentamicin sulphate gave activity which was short-lived. Sodium and diethanolamine fusidates and clindamycin hydrochloride gave prolonged activity. A method of impregnation was developed which could be applied to commercially available shunts before use.

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