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Morphometric study of liver cell nuclei in hepatomas using an interactive computer technique: (i) nuclear size and shape
  1. Roger Jagoe,
  2. Christopher Sowter,
  3. Sheila Dandy,
  4. Gerard Slavin
  1. Northwick Park Hospital, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 3UJ
  2. Clinical Research Centre, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 3UJ


    Liver cells from 20 normal livers and 20 hepatomas have been studied in histological sections using an interactive computer method which measures nuclear size and shape. The variables which gave best discrimination between malignant and benign nuclei were the standard deviations of nuclear shape measurements. Though the liver is an ideal tissue for computer study it is considered that such measurements may act as a model for analysis of nuclei of other tissues.

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