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Enzyme histochemical analysis on cryostat sections of human bone marrow.
  1. M Chilosi,
  2. G Pizzolo,
  3. G Janossy,
  4. M Bofill,
  5. L Fiore-Donati


    A recently developed procedure, that has been shown to be suitable for detailed immunohistological analysis, has been used to prepare cryostat sections of bone marrow to investigate whether enzyme-histochemical techniques are also feasible on such material. A selected group of enzymes, some of which are inhibited or destroyed in paraffin- or plastic-embedded samples, have been demonstrated. The morphological details obtained were satisfactory in the preparations. The enzymes were dipeptidyl(amino)peptidase IV (for T lymphocytes); tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (for hairy cell leukaemia); acid phosphatase and non-specific esterase (for macrophages and monocytes); ATPase and 5'nucleotidase (for B lymphocytes); and peroxidase or chloroacetate esterase (for granulocytic cells). In these preparations strong enzyme activities were shown. In adjacent sections the immunological analysis of membrane markers could also be performed contributing to a comprehensive study of the normal and malignant bone marrow cells.

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