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Impaired opsonophagocytosis of serotypes Ib and II of group B streptococci as compared with serotypes Ia and III: role of the alternative pathway of complement in opsonisation of serotype III of group B streptococci.
  1. P Hindocha,
  2. R Hill,
  3. C B Wood,
  4. U Patel,
  5. G Hunt


    Using the technique of phagocytic chemiluminescence, we have shown that serotypes Ib and II of group B streptococci are resistant to opsonophagocytosis. The resistant strains became susceptible to opsonophagocytosis by trypsin treatment, but neuraminidase had no effect. Several studies have failed to define a significant role for the alternative pathway of complement in opsonisation of group B streptococci. By simple chelation and heat inactivation studies, we have shown that the alternative pathway of complement is activated by serotype III of group B streptococci.

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