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Neutrophil disorders and their management
  1. R Lakshman1,
  2. A Finn1
  1. 1Sheffield Institute for Vaccine Studies, Division of Child Health, University of Sheffield Children's Hospital, Sheffield S10 2TH, UK
  1. Dr Lakshman R.Lakshman{at}


Neutrophil disorders are an uncommon yet important cause of morbidity and mortality in infants and children. This article is an overview of these conditions, with emphasis on clinical recognition, rational investigation, and treatment. A comprehensive list of references is provided for further reading.

  • neutrophil disorders
  • chronic granulomatous disease
  • neutrophil chemotaxis
  • phagocytosis

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  • * The Severe Chronic Neutopenia International Registry (SCNIR) can be contacted by email at registry{at}