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Laboratory confirmation of meningococcal disease in Scotland, 1993–9
  1. S C Clarke,
  2. J Reid,
  3. L Thom,
  4. B C Denham,
  5. G F S Edwards
  1. Scottish Meningococcus and Pneumococcus Reference Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, House on the Hill, Stobhill Hospital, Glasgow G21 3UW, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr S C Clarke, Scottish Meningococcus and Pneumococcus Reference Laboratory, Department of Microbiology, House on the Hill, Stobhill Hospital, Glasgow G21 3UW, UK;


Aims: To describe the laboratory confirmation of meningococcal disease, using culture and non-culture based techniques, between 1993 and 1999 as part of a national service in Scotland.

Methods: Samples from patients with suspected meningococcal disease in Scotland were analysed by culture and non-culture based techniques to gain a laboratory confirmation of disease. Data were analysed to establish the number of disease cases, the serogroups of the organisms involved, and the importance of the techniques used.

Results: Between 1993 and 1999, there was a total of 1749 notified cases of meningococcal disease in Scotland. Culture based methods provided a laboratory confirmation of 788 cases whereas non-culture techniques confirmed 461 cases.

Conclusions: Non-culture techniques were a useful addition to culture based techniques in Scotland and improved the dataset required for public health management, disease surveillance, and vaccine policy.

  • meningococcal disease
  • Neisseria meningitidis
  • non-culture diagnosis
  • CSF, cerebrospinal fluid
  • MenC, serogroup C meningococcal conjugate
  • OMP, outer membrane protein
  • PBS, phosphate buffered saline
  • PCR, polymerase chain reaction
  • SCIEH, Scottish Centre for Infection and Environmental Health
  • SMPRL, Scottish Meningococcus and Pneumococcus Reference Laboratory

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