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Clostridium novyi causing necrotising fasciitis in an injecting drug user
  1. M Noone,
  2. M Tabaqchali,
  3. J B Spillane
  1. North Tees General Hospital, Hardwick, Stockton on Tees TS19 0NJ, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr M Noone, North Tees General Hospital, Hardwick, Stockton on Tees TS19 0NJ, UK;


Necrotising fasciitis with pronounced local oedema is described in an injecting drug user. Clostridium novyi was an unexpected single pathogen isolated from infected tissue. The patient was among a cluster of cases, all injecting drug users, presenting with toxaemia and soft tissue infection. The causal role and pathogenicity of C novyi is discussed.

  • Clostridium novyi
  • necrotising fasciitis
  • injecting drug user
  • FAA, fastidious anaerobic agar

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