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Medical educators’ personal attitudes towards the necropsy
  1. J L Burton
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr J L Burton
 Academic Unit of Pathology, Division of Genomic Medicine, E-Floor, Medical School, Beech Hill Road, Sheffield, S10 2RX, UK;


Aims: To explore the personal attitudes of medical educators to the necropsy.

Methods: A “theoretical sample” of individuals, with widely disparate views, was selected from University of Sheffield Medical School affiliated staff. These individuals underwent semi-structured interviews (in private) to elucidate their personal attitudes towards the necropsy (in relation to the possibility of their own necropsy or that of a close relative).

Results: Nine themes pertaining to personal attitudes towards the necropsy were identified. In general medical educators had a positive attitude towards the necropsy.

Conclusions: This study suggests that medical educators still believe that the necropsy is of value in medical education, despite dramatic curricular revisions in the UK, declining necropsy rates, and adverse media attention to the necropsy.

  • necropsy
  • curriculum
  • medical education

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