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Optimal detection of Campylobacter spp in stools
  1. A J Lastovica,
  2. E Le Roux
  1. Departments of Medical Microbiology, University of Cape Town and Red Cross Children’s Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa;

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    In view of the importance of Campylobacter spp and related organisms in human disease, and the awareness of the under-reporting of these organisms from stools, we read with interest the recent reports of McClurg and associates1 and of Kulkarni et al.2 These two studies independently compared the recovery of campylobacter and related species from human stools using non-selective filtration, selective plating, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection.

    Since 1977, the Red Cross Children’s Hospital in Cape Town, South Africa, has been isolating Campylobacter spp. In 1990, for cost containment reasons, the use of antibiotic containing selective media was discontinued, and the …

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