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Letters to JCP
HCV and HIV binding lectin, DC-SIGNR, is expressed at all stages of HCV induced liver disease
The process by which hepatitis C virus (HCV) enters cells and the reason for its hepatotropism remain obscure. Recently, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) binding lectins, DC-SIGN and DC-SIGNR, were shown to bind HCV. This article reports the expression of DC-SIGN and DC-SIGNR in HCV related liver disease and discusses whether these lectins, in particular DC-SIGNR, are responsible for HCV hepatotropism.
- hepatitis C
- liver sinusoid
- DC, dendritic cell
- DC-SIGN, dendritic cell specific intercellular adhesion molecule grabbing non-integrin
- DC-SIGNR, dendritic cell specific intercellular adhesion molecule grabbing non-integrin related molecule
- HCV, hepatitis C virus
- HIV, human immunodeficiency virus