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Vocal cord biopsy leading to the diagnosis of hyperlipidaemia
  1. S K Kang1,
  2. L G McClymont1,
  3. J R Goodlad2
  1. 1ENT Department, Raigmore Hospital, Invernes IV2 3UJ, UK;
  2. 2Pathology Department, Raigmore Hospital

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A 33 year old man presented with three months of persistent hoarseness with no preceding upper respiratory tract infection. He was otherwise a healthy young policeman and he was a non-smoker.

A benign looking polyp was discovered on microlaryngoscopic examination at the anterior end of the left vocal cord adjacent to the anterior commissure. This was biopsied and subsequent histological examination showed a polypoid fragment of respiratory tract mucosa with abundant fibrinoid material in its core, as would be expected …

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