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Best Practice No 179
  1. I O Ellis1,
  2. S Humphreys2,
  3. M Michell3,
  4. S E Pinder1,
  5. C A Wells4,
  6. H D Zakhour5
  1. 1Department of Histopathology, Nottingham City Hospital, Hucknall Road, Nottingham NG5 1PB, UK
  2. 2Department of Histopathology, Preston Hall Hospital, Maidstone ME20 7NH, Kent, UK
  3. 3Department of Radiology, Kings College Hospital, London SE5 9RS, UK
  4. 4Department of Histopathology, St Bartholomew’s Medical School, London ECA1 7BE, UK
  5. 5Department of Histopathology, Arrowe Park Hospital, Wirral L49 5PE, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr I O Ellis
 Department of Histopathology, Nottingham City Hospital NHS Trust, Hucknall Road, Nottingham NG5 1PB, UK;

Guidelines for breast needle core biopsy handling and reporting in breast screening assessment


Non-operative diagnosis has become the norm in breast disease assessment and, until relatively recently, fine needle aspiration cytology has been the sampling method of choice. The introduction of automated core biopsy guns in the mid 1990s led to the additional introduction of core biopsy in assessment units. This paper presents a summary of the guidance on handling and routine reporting of breast needle core biopsy specimens in the context of breast disease multidisciplinary assessment. This guidance has been produced by the UK National Coordinating Committee for Breast Screening Pathology and is endorsed by the European Commission working group on breast screening pathology.

  • ADH, atypical ductal hyperplasia
  • DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ
  • ER, oestrogen receptor
  • FNAC, fine needle aspiration cytology
  • NCCBSP, National Coordinating Committee for Breast Cancer Screening Pathology
  • NHSBSP, National Health Service Breast Screening Programme
  • WBN, needle core biopsy
  • breast cancer
  • guidelines
  • needle biopsy
  • pathology reporting

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  • The authors are members of the non-operative diagnosis subgroup of the UK National Coordinating Committee for Breast Screening Pathology UK. This manuscript has been prepared on behalf of members of the UK National Coordinating Committee for Breast Screening Pathology and the European Commission working group on breast screening pathology.