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Differential expression of the eukaryotic release factor 3 (eRF3/GSPT1) according to gastric cancer histological types
  1. J Malta-Vacas1,
  2. C Aires1,
  3. P Costa1,
  4. A R Conde2,
  5. S Ramos3,
  6. A P Martins3,
  7. C Monteiro2,
  8. M Brito1
  1. 1Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, 1990-096 Lisboa, Portugal
  2. 2Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa, 1649-019 Lisboa, Portugal
  3. 3Serviço de Anatomia Patológica, Hospital de Santa Cruz, 2795 Carnaxide, Portugal
  1. Correspondence to:
 Professor M Brito
 Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde de Lisboa, Avenue D. João II lote 4.69.01, 1990-096 Lisboa, Portugal;


Background: There are now several lines of evidence to suggest that protein synthesis and translation factors are involved in the regulation of cell proliferation and cancer development.

Aims: To investigate gene expression patterns of eukaryotic releasing factor 3 (eRF3) in gastric cancer.

Methods: RNA was prepared from 25 gastric tumour biopsies and adjacent non-neoplastic mucosa. Real time TaqMan reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed to measure the relative gene expression levels. DNA was isolated from tumour and normal tissues and gene dosage was determined by a quantitative real time PCR using SYBR Green dye.

Results: Different histological types of gastric tumours were analysed and nine of the 25 tumours revealed eRF3/GSPT1 overexpression; moreover, eight of the 12 intestinal type carcinomas analysed overexpressed the gene, whereas eRF3/GSPT1 was overexpressed in only one of the 10 diffuse type carcinomas (Kruskal-Wallis Test; p < 0.05). No correlation was found between ploidy and transcript expression levels of eRF3/GSPT1. Overexpression of eRF3/GSPT1 was not associated with increased translation rates because the upregulation of eRF3/GSPT1 did not correlate with increased eRF1 levels.

Conclusions: Overexpression of eRF3/GSPT1 in intestinal type gastric tumours may lead to an increase in the translation efficiency of specific oncogenic transcripts. Alternatively, eRF3/GSPT1 may be involved in tumorigenesis as a result of its non-translational roles, namely (dis)regulating the cell cycle, apoptosis, or transcription.

  • eIF, eukaryotic initiating factor
  • eRF, eukaryotic release factor
  • PCR, polymerase chain reaction
  • RT, reverse transcription
  • gastric cancer
  • eRF3/GSPT1
  • gene expression
  • real time polymerase chain reaction
  • translation machinery

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