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Chemical pathology and Krapp’s last tape
  1. M Crook
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr M Crook
 Guy’s, St Thomas’s, and University Hospital Lewisham, Lewisham, London SE13 6LH, UK;

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Sixty years of chemical pathology

Looking back over the past 60 years of chemical pathology reminds me of Samuel Beckett’s play, “Krapp’s last tape”. After all, what if anything has been achieved in the field of chemical pathology since the birth of the Journal of Clinical Pathology (JCP)? Well, in truth, quite a lot, so let me try to summarise some of the more notable events that come to mind.

Looking at some of the early chemical pathology publications in JCP, about three score years ago, I am struck by the number of papers describing the development of various manual assays for diagnostic use. Indeed, …

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