Article info
Original article
Colocalisation of intraplaque C reactive protein, complement, oxidised low density lipoprotein, and macrophages in stable and unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction
- Correspondence to: Dr J J Piek Academic Medical Centre, Department of Cardiology, University of Amsterdam, Room B2-250, Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ Amsterdam, The Netherlands; m.meuwissen{at}
Colocalisation of intraplaque C reactive protein, complement, oxidised low density lipoprotein, and macrophages in stable and unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction
Publication history
- Accepted April 18, 2005
- First published January 27, 2006.
Online issue publication
October 25, 2017
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Copyright 2006 Journal of Clinical Pathology