Article info
Best practice in primary care pathology: review 3
- Correspondence to: W S A Smellie Department of Chemical Pathology, Bishop Auckland General Hospital, Cockton Hill Road, Bishop Auckland, County Durham DL14 6AD, UK; info{at}
Best practice in primary care pathology: review 3
Publication history
- Accepted November 3, 2005
- First published July 27, 2006.
Online issue publication
April 18, 2016
HTML Page - index.htslp
The 'When should I screen for secondary hyperlipidaemia' should have a section header above it saying SECONDARY HYPERLIPIDAEMIA AND HYPERTRIGLYCERIDAEMIA'.
'bone marrow' should be replaced by 'point of care glucose test (BM)'
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Copyright 2006 Journal of Clinical Pathology