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Infiltrating giant cellular blue naevus
  1. A L Bittencourt1,
  2. D A Monteiro2,
  3. O J De Pretto3
  1. 1Department of Pathology, Hospital Universitário Prof. Edgard Santos, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Bahia, Brazil
  2. 2Department of Surgery, Hospital Prof. Edgard Santos, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Bahia, Brazil
  3. 3Department of Dermatology, Hospital Aliança, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
  1. Correspondence to:
    Achiléa L Bittencourt
    Departmento de Patologia, Hospital Universitário Prof. Edgard Santos, Rua Dr. Augusto Viana s/n, Canela CEP 40110-060, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil; achilea{at}


Introduction: Cellular blue naevi (CBN) measure 1–2 cm in diameter and affect the dermis, occasionally extending into the subcutaneous fat. The case of a 14-year-old boy with a giant CBN (GCBN) involving the right half of the face, the jugal mucosa and the lower eyelid with a tumour that had infiltrated the bone and the maxillary and ethmoidal sinuses is reported.

Methods: Biopsies were taken from the skin, jugal mucosa and maxillary sinus. The following markers were used in the immunohistochemical evaluation: CD34, CD56, HMB-45, anti-S100, A-103, Melan A and MIB-1.

Results: The biopsy specimens showed a biphasic pattern affecting the lower dermis, subcutaneous fat, skeletal muscle, bone, jugal mucosa and maxillary sinus, but there was no histological evidence of malignancy. The tumour cells were CD34−, CD56−, HMB45+, anti-S100+ and A-103+. Melan A was focally expressed. No positive MIB-1 cells were identified.

Discussion: The present case shows that GCBN may infiltrate deeply, with no evidence of malignancy.

  • CBN, cellular blue naevi
  • GCBN, giant cellular blue naevi

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  • Competing interests: None declared.

  • Written consent has been obtained from the mother of the patient to publish this data.