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Three cases of pancreatic serous cystadenoma and endocrine tumour


Aims: To report three cases of serous cystadenoma and endocrine tumour in the same pancreas, to review the literature and to evaluate the clinicopathological features of the tumours.

Cases: Three women (71, 57 and 31 years old) were admitted to hospital, two for diseases unrelated to the pancreas and the third for increasing obstructive jaundice in von Hippel-Lindau disease. Preoperative examination showed two distinct lesions in the first patient and only cystic lesions in the other two.

Results: Histological examination of the pancreas showed one serous oligocystic adenoma associated with a benign, well-differentiated endocrine tumour, one serous oligocystic adenoma associated with an endocrine microadenoma, and a von Hippel-Lindau-related cystic neoplasm with a well-differentiated endocrine carcinoma.

Conclusions: Serous cystadenoma associated with endocrine tumour shows some clinicopathological differences with respect to the two tumours considered separately, and with respect to von Hippel-Lindau-related cases, although there is no convincing evidence at present to justify considering this association as a separate entity.

  • MEN, multiple endocrine neoplasia
  • MUC, mucin
  • NSE, neurone-specific enolase
  • PAS, periodic acid Schiff
  • SCN, serous cystic neoplasm
  • SMA, serous microcystic adenoma
  • SOIA, serous oligocystic ill-defined adenoma
  • VHL, von Hippel-Lindau disease
  • VHL-CN, von Hippel-Lindau-associated cystic neoplasm

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