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Ectopic lobular breast cancer on the anterior chest wall: a rare entity
  1. M Y A van Herwaarden-Lindeboom1,
  2. R van Hillegersberg1,
  3. P J van Diest2
  1. 1Department of Surgery, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
  2. 2Department of Pathology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr M Y A van Herwaarden-Lindeboom
 Department of Surgery (G04.228), University Medical Center Utrecht, Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands; mlindebo{at}

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A 46-year-old woman with a rare case of infiltrating lobular carcinoma in ectopic breast tissue on the anterior chest wall is presented. Wide local excision and lymphatic mapping with, consequently, a sentinel node biopsy, seem adequate therapy for ectopic breast cancer.

Ectopic breast tissue arises from the primitive milk line, with an incidence of 0.6–6%.1 Malignant transformation is rare.2 The most frequently occurring manifestation is infiltrating ductal carcinoma, comprising 79% of all ectopic breast malignancies.3 Lobular-type and medullary-type carcinomas are seen in <10% of cases.4 Furthermore, most carcinomas in the ectopic breast tissue are located in the vulva and axilla (ie, 55–65%).5 The chest wall is the most unusual location.6

We present a patient with lobular carcinoma in ectopic breast tissue located on the anterior chest wall.

Case report

A 46-year-old Caucasian woman presented with a subcutaneous mass in a cicatrice of the anterior chest wall approximately 1–2 cm below the caudal rim of the mammary …

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