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Clinical application of UF-1000i in combination with AX-4280 for the screening test ability of urinary formed elements
  1. Feng Zhao,
  2. Yi Jin,
  3. Xiaoyan Chen,
  4. Xinyou Xie
  1. Department of Clinical Laboratory, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, People's Republic of China
  1. Correspondence to Feng Zhao, Department of Clinical Laboratory, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310016, China; fengzhao3901{at}


Aims To evaluate the screening test ability of UF-1000i combination with AX-4280 for major pathological urinary formed elements and to establish screening rules suitable for our laboratory.

Methods A total of 2220 cases of urine samples were collected from out-patients and inpatients. The sample tests were finished within 4 h after collection. The results were verified and corroborated with microscopic tests.

Results In ‘both-negative’ group, the negative predictive values for red blood cell, white blood cell and cast were 99.12%, 99.56% and 100%, respectively, and the false negative rates were 0.87%, 0.44% and 0%, respectively. In ‘both-positive’ group, the positive predictive values for red blood cell, white blood cell and cast were 69.18%, 74.41% and 33.33%, respectively, and the false positive rates were 30.82%, 25.59% and 66.67%, respectively. In ‘U positive/A negative’ group, the positive predictive values for red blood cell, white blood cell and cast were 32.47%, 23.67% and 8.57%, respectively, and the false positive rates were 67.53%, 76.36% and 91.43%, respectively. In ‘U negative/A positive’ group, the positive predictive values for red blood cell, white blood cell and cast were 8.18%, 19.50% and 4.67%, respectively, and the false positive rates were 91.82%, 50.50% and 95.24%, respectively.

Conclusions When the results of the red blood cell, white blood cell and cast tested by UF-1000i were all negative, and the results of the red blood cell, white blood cell and protein tested by AX-4280 were negative, an automatic report stating ‘normal microscopic appearance’ was generated, and then the microscopic test rate was reduced by 37.6%. However, if any automated parameter measurement was out of the reference range, corroboration by manual microscopy was advisable.

  • Methodology
  • Diagnostic Screening
  • Urine

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