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Pleomorphic liposarcoma of the hand
  1. Po Yin Tang,
  2. Rafay Azhar,
  3. Sittampalam Kesavan
  1. Department of Pathology, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
  1. Correspondence to Dr Sittampalam Kesavan, Department of Pathology, Singapore General Hospital, 20 College Road, Level 10, Diagnostics Tower, The Academia, Singapore 169856, Singapore; kesavan.sittampalam{at}

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Soft tissue sarcomas are uncommon, with 4% of cases occurring in the hand.1 Despite being one of the more common soft tissue sarcomas in adults, liposarcoma is uncommonly described in the hand. We describe a case of a pleomorphic liposarcoma (PLS) of the left hand, which is a rare entity occurring in a rare location.

A middle-aged patient presented with a 2-year history of a large lump at the left hand first web space, which was noted to be recently increasing in size. No redness, pain or preceding history of trauma was noted. Hand examination revealed a non-tender, soft to firm multilobulated lump at the left hand first web space, which was not attached to skin.

Plain radiography of the patient's left hand showed a well circumscribed soft tissue swelling with mild impression on the adjacent surface of the first metacarpal bone but no associated calcifications or bony fracture (figure 1).

Figure 1

Plain radiograph of the left hand showed soft tissue swelling in the first web space. It caused a mild impression on the adjacent surface of the first metacarpal bone. This implied that the lesion was of a long-standing nature. No calcifications seen in it and no bony fractures seen.

The patient underwent exploration and excision biopsy of the lump. Intraoperatively a 4×5×6 cm multilobulated lump was noted in the left hand first web space (figure 2), extending in between the two layers of muscles in the …

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  • Correction notice Figure 4 has been corrected since published Online First.

  • Contributors PYT collected patient data, and drafted and revised the paper. She is one of the guarantors. RA diagnosed the case and revised the draft paper. SK aided in the diagnosis of the case, initiated the writing of the report and revised the draft paper. He is the other guarantor.

  • Competing interests None.

  • Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.