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A rare and unusual hyperkeratotic disorder
  1. Amna Ahmad1,
  2. Iskander H Chaudhry1,
  3. Alistair Robson2
  1. 1 Department of Histopathology, Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK
  2. 2 St Johns’ Institute of Dermatology, UK
  1. Correspondence to Iskander H Chaudhry, Department of Histopathology, Manchester Royal Infirmary, UK; i.h.chaudhry01{at}


Clinical question A 78-year-old female presented with a pruritic rash on her legs for many years. A biopsy was taken from the right leg. Review the high-quality, interactive digital Aperio slide at and consider your diagnosis.

What is your diagnosis?

  1. Atrophic lichen planus

  2. Hyperkeratosis lenticularis perstans

  3. Lichenoid drug reaction

  4. Lichenoid keratosis

  5. Porokeratosis

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