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CD10-positive myoepithelial cells are usually prominent around in situ lobular neoplasia of the breast and much less prominent or absent in DCIS


Aims To study the relationship between the neoplastic cells of in situ lobular neoplasia (ILN) and ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and the surrounding CD10-positive myoepithelial cells.

Materials and methods Twenty consecutive cases of ILN and 51 of DCIS were stained for CD10 using the immunoperoxidase technique. The presence of CD10-positive cells was assessed semiquantitatively on a scale of 0–3 where 0 indicates their absence and 3 indicates the presence of multiple layers, which can be focal.

Results Ninety per cent of ILN cases scored 3, compared with none of DCIS (p=0.0001). There was a significant relationship between DCIS grade and CD10 score, with the mean scores being 1.43, 0.82 and 0.5 for low, intermediate and high grade, respectively. CD10-positive cells were always present around low-grade DCIS, but absent in 27% of high-grade cases. CD10-positive cells were more frequent in ER-positive than in ER-negative DCIS, and in HER2-negative than in HER2-positive cases, but the difference was not statistically significant.

Conclusions There is a distinct relationship between the type and grade of in situ neoplasia of the breast and the surrounding CD10-positive myoepithelial cells, suggesting the presence of a ‘cross talk’ between the two elements.


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