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Aims Although ultrastructural studies showed that minute pulmonary meningothelial-like nodules (MPMNs) cells closely resembled meningothelial cells, their immunophenotype has not been well characterised, partly due to their rarity.
Methods Somatostatin receptor 2a (SSTR2a) and other markers of meningioma, including epithelial membrane antigen (EMA), progesterone receptor (PR) and S100, were analysed retrospectively in 19 MPMN cases from two institutions in China.
Results The median age of patients with MPMNs was 62.5 years (32–73 years), with a male-to-female ratio of 1:8.5. Most (15/19) patients with MPMNs had coexisting diseases, including adenocarcinomas (12 cases), bronchiectasis (1 case) and tuberculosis (2 cases). Just over half of the cases (10/19) were multifocal lesions (2–5 lesions). An additional 53 cases with 123 lesions from the literature were reviewed with reported immunophenotype information. In total, 162 lesions were included in the analysis. The size of nodules was 1–4 mm. All MPMN lesions (39/39) in the 19 cases showed strong and diffuse cytoplasmic expression of SSTR2a. The expression rate of SSTR2a was higher than that of conventional markers of meningioma, including EMA (86/138), PR (32/68) and S100 (1/125).
Conclusions Our observations expand the spectrum of recognised SSTR2a-positive lesions and once again demonstrated that MPMNs show immunohistochemical characteristics similar to meningothelial cells.
- minute pulmonary meningothelial-like nodules
- immunophenotype
- meningioma
- sstr2a
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SY and YHcontributed equally
Handling editor Runjan Chetty.
Contributors These authors have contributed equally to the work.
Funding This project was supported by the Science and Research Foundation of Peking University, Shenzhen Hospital (JCYJ2017010), the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (2018A030313663), and the Medical Science and Technology Foundation of Guangdong Province (A2018001).
Competing interests None declared.
Patient consent for publication All patients provided written informed consent for the collection and publication of their medical information during the first visit to the hospital.
Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; internally peer reviewed.
Data sharing statement All data relevant to the study are included in the article or uploaded as supplementary information.