Table of contents
February 1956 - Volume 9 - 1
- Encephalomyelitis and the Clinical Pathologist (1 February, 1956)
- Distal Tubular Necrosis with Little or No Oliguria (1 February, 1956)
- Wegener's Granulomatosis (1 February, 1956)
- Fatal Pulmonary Embolism by Amniotic Fluid (1 February, 1956)
- Failure to Detect Rh-Substance in Liquor Amnii (1 February, 1956)
Technical Methods
- The Value of Formol-Ether Concentration of Faecal Cysts and Ova (1 February, 1956)
Book Reviews
- Cancer: Race and Geography (1 February, 1956)
- The Skin: A Clinicopathologic Treatise (1 February, 1956)
- The Diagnosis and Treatment of Haemophilia and its Related Conditions (1 February, 1956)
- Introduction to Virology (1 February, 1956)
- The Plasma Proteins in Pregnancy—A Clinical Interpretation (1 February, 1956)
- La Progénese: Facteurs Préconceptionnels du Developpement de l'Enfant (1 February, 1956)
- Transactions of the American Goiter Association 1954 (1 February, 1956)
- Atlas Zur Spurenkunde der Elektrizität (1 February, 1956)
- Practical Section Cutting and Staining (1 February, 1956)
- Dextran: Its Properties and Use in Medicine (1 February, 1956)