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Intraductal carcinoma of the prostrate: A distinct Histopathological entity with important prognostic implications
  1. Pauline C Henry (p.henry{at}
  1. University Health network, Canada
    1. Andrew Evans (andrew.evans{at}
    1. University Health Network/University of Toronto, Canada


      Intraductal carcinoma of the prostate (IDCP) has been described as a lesion associated with poor prognostic features in prostate cancer. Its recognition and reporting in prostate specimens, particularly in needle biopsies, is critical as it carries significant implications for patient management. Recent histological definitions have been proposed to assist in the recognition of IDCP and to help distinguish it from lesions with similar appearance, but different clinical behaviour. In this review, an historical overview of the description of IDCP will be presented followed by a summary of the current histological diagnostic criteria and the recommendations for management and reporting of IDCP

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