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Sclerosing osteogenic sarcomatosis
  1. Lionel Wolman
  1. Department of Neuropathology, Royal Infirmary, Sheffield


    A case is reported in which the amputation of a leg for a sclerosing type of osteogenic sarcoma was followed five years later by a metastasis of similar appearance in the skull. This was excised but subsequent necropsy revealed multiple bony tumours in the lungs.

    The rarity of multiple osteogenic sarcoma is recalled as shown by a review of the literature. Although some are thought to be of multicentric origin owing to the short history, an early haematogenous spread cannot be excluded and this latter process had certainly occurred in the present case.

    The characteristic radiological appearances in the skull are stressed as being diagnostic. The differential points in the histological diagnosis of the condition, especially in the invaded part of the calvarium, are described and should help to exclude a meningioma or other bone tumours.

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