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Leukaemic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract
  1. J. S. Cornes,
  2. T. Gwynfor Jones,
  3. Gloria B. Fisher
  1. Vincent Square Laboratories, Westminster Medical School, the Department of Morbid Anatomy, the Postgraduate Medical School, and the Research Department, St. Mark's Hospital, London


    This study is based on the clinical records and post-mortem findings of 264 patients with leukaemia. Gross leukaemic lesions in the gastrointestinal tract were found in 39 patients, an overall incidence of 14·8%. The incidence in all types of acute leukaemia was 18·4%, in chronic leukaemias 9·6%, and in myeloid leukaemia 10·9%. The ileum, stomach, and proximal colon were the sites most commonly affected. Four types of lesion were found: raised leukaemic nodules, leukaemic plaques, diffuse infiltrations with a convoluted brain-like appearance of the mucosal folds, and a multiple leukaemic polyposis. The clinical and pathological features of these lesions are described, and references are given to similar cases reported in the literature.

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