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A rapid whole blood solubility test to differentiate the sickle-cell trait from sickle-cell anaemia
  1. R. G. Huntsman,
  2. G. P. T. Barclay,
  3. D. M. Canning,
  4. G. I. Yawson
  1. Department of Pathology, Lambeth Hospital, London
  2. Abnormal Haemoglobin Research Unit of the Anglo American Corporation (Central Africa) Limited


    A simple and rapid screening test which differentiates sickle-cell trait and sickle-cell anaemia is described. The test utilizes 0·1 ml of whole blood and is based on the low solubility of reduced sickle haemoglobin. Results intermediate between the sickle-cell trait and sickle-cell anaemia are obtained in unusual cases of sickle-cell anaemia with high foetal haemoglobin.

    The need to supplement the results with haematological and electrophoretic techniques is discusses.

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