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ELISA for toxoplasma antibody detection: a comparison with other serodiagnostic tests.
  1. A Balsari,
  2. G Poli,
  3. V Molina,
  4. M Dovis,
  5. E Petruzzelli,
  6. A Boniolo,
  7. E Rolleri


    An ELISA method was developed for the measurement of toxoplasma IgG antibodies in human serum using antigen-coated polystyrene beads as a solid phase and anti human IgG-horse radish peroxidase conjugate as an enzymatic tracer. In order to assess ELISA sensitivity and specificity, a between methods comparison was made using 'conventional' serological tests as reference (dye-test, crossover-linked immunoassay, passive haemagglutination, indirect immunofluorescence). From an analysis of the group classifications obtained some considerations emerged: the ELISA specificity looks comparable with that of the 'reference' tests, as no sample classified as negative by all these tests was ELISA-positive, and vice versa; ELISA appears to correlate better with haemagglutination and immunofluorescence, on the basis of the respective class frequencies; in particular, the number of positives, which is much lower for the dye-test and crossover-linked immunoassay, suggests that a higher sensitivity is reached in the former cases.

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