Table 2

Characteristics of 12 patients with histologically confirmed coeliac disease

PatientSex (M/F)Age (years)Deficiency (Fe/Fol)Hb (g/l)MCV (fl)RDWClinical detailsCD antibodies positive
*Abnormal result.
CD, coeliac disease; End, endomysial; Fe, iron; Fol, folate; GL, gliadin; Hb, haemoglobin; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; RDW, red blood cell distribution width.
1F60Fe105* 9116.4*Post viral infectionEnd, GL
2F54Fe124 8813.9Past history of anaemiaEnd, GL
3F57Fe 90* 69*18.9*Iron deficiency, cause unknownGL
4M64Fe127* 8613.4Malaise, coughEnd, GL
5F39Fe127 8918.4*Iron deficiency, cause unknownEnd, GL
6F64Fe114* 8714.2FatigueEnd, GL
7F32Fe102* 76*14.9Cold intoleranceEnd, GL
8M56Fol136103*16.2*Previous anaemiaEnd, GL
9F47Fe112* 8912.3History of iron deficiencyEnd
10F40Fe106* 74*15.8Iron deficiency, cause unknownEnd, GL
11F74Fe122 9315.1Previous borderline anaemiaEnd
12F54Fe142 8913.6FatigueEnd