Table 3

Data on baseline tumours and their last recurrence scored for the presence of tubules, nuclear pleomorphism, and mitotic rate

Baseline score recurrence scoreTubulesPleomorphismMitoses
Values in parentheses are the percentages of all tumours with the same baseline score for the given parameter.
1-12 (40%)1 (25%)11 (46%)
1-22 (40%)2 (50%)9 (38%)
1-31 (20%)1 (25%)4 (17%)
2-11 (4%)02 (11%)
2-214 (58%)11 (69%)3 (17%)
2-39 (38%)5 (31%)13 (72%)
3-1004 (10%)
3-22 (4%)5 (8%)7 (17%)
3-353 (96%)59 (92%)31 (74%)