Table 1

 Series of primary brain tumours investigated in our study

Number of casesMean age (median); sexLocalisation
Age is given in years.
CB, cerebellum; ChO, optical chiasma; F, female; FL, frontal lobe; FT, frontotemporal region; HT, hypothalamus; M, male; O, occipital lobe; P, parietal lobe; PF, posterior fossa; PO, parieto-occipital region; T, temporal lobe; Th, thalamus; TP, temporoparietal region; vIII, third ventricle; vL, lateral ventricle.
Astrocytic tumours33
    Pilocytic astrocytomas87.7 (6); 4F:4M2× ChO; 2× HT; 4× CB
    Astrocytomas, grade II618.3 (18); 2F:4M2× TP; 1× O; 1× Th; 1× FL; 1× HT
    Anaplastic astrocytomas630.1 (29); 4F:2M2× P; 1× FT; 1× T; 1× TP; 1× HT
    Glioblastomas1358.1 (61); 5F:7M6× P; 1× O; 2× PO; 2× T; 2× TP
    Ependymomas, grade II115.3 (7); 4F:7M6× PF 3× vIII, 2× vL
    Anaplastic ependymomas164.8 (5); 8F :8M8× PF, 2× vIII, 6× vL
Oligodendrogliomas343.7 (45); 1F:2M2× P; 1× FL
Medulloblastomas77.7 (7); 3F:4M7× CB
Gangliogliomas316.6 (12); 1F:2M2× T; 1× Th