Table 1

Clinical characteristics of the patients studied

UIP (n = 21)NSIP (n = 6)RB (n = 8)
Values are mean (SEM).
*p = 0.002, UIP and NSIP greater than RB; †p = 0.002, UIP lower than normal; ‡p = 0.001, UIP lower than normal; §p = 0.002, UIP greater than RB; ¶p<0.0001, UIP greater than RB.
CT-alv, alveolar abnormality on high resolution computed tomography; CT-fib, fibrotic abnormality on high resolution computed tomography; DLCO, diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide; FF, fibroblastic foci profusion; FVC, forced vital capacity; NSIP, non-specific interstitial pneumonia; RBILD, respiratory bronchiolitic interstitial lung disease; TLC, total lung capacity; UIP, usual interstitial pneumonia.
Sex (M/F)14/74/22/6
Age (years)*59 (7)61 (7)45 (11)
Duration of symptoms (years)2.1 (2.4)0.6 (0.5)4.4 (4.9)
Smoking (% current or ex-smokers)715083
FVC (% of that predicted)†61 (19)68 (21)72 (20)
TLC (% of that predicted)‡66 (18)77 (23)85 (21)
DLCO (% of that predicted)44 (19)38 (17)58 (12)
CT-fib1.57 (0.68)1.53 (1.60)0.55 (0.07)
CT-alv1.44 (0.89)1.13 (1.71)1.55 (1.20)
Mean FF§1.41 (0.82)0.58 (0.51)0.17 (0.41)
Maximum FF¶1.59 (0.85)0.63 (0.48)0 (0)