Table 4

 BCH (ordinary, florid, and with nucleoli): differential diagnoses. Morphological criteria and major immunohistochemical findings

ArchitectureCytology34βE12, p63PSAS-100 protein, SMA
BCH, basal cell hyperplasia; PIN, prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia; PSA, prostate specific antigen; SMA, α smooth muscle actin.
BCH (ordinary, florid, and with nucleoli)Cell nests, two cell layers minimum, solid or cysticSmall to medium sized nuclei, nucleoli may be prominent in some forms+±− to ±
High grade PINDucts and acini with various archi-tectural patterns, ranging from flat to cribriformCells with enlarged nuclei, with a prominent nucleolus, similar to those in adenocarcinoma± (basal cells)+
AdenocarcinomaAcini of various sizes, either separated or fused, with different architectural patterns, such as flat or monolayered or cribriformCells with enlarged nuclei, with prominent nucleoli+
Sclerosing adenosisAcinar structures, predominantly small, lined by bilayered epitheliumSmall to medium sized nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli+ (basal cells)++
Benign seminal vesicle/ejaculatory duct epitheliumDucts lined by a bilayered epitheliumProminent nuclear atypia and pleomorphism+
Squamous metaplasiaDucts and acini lined by multilayered epithelium similar to epidermisCells with small to medium sized nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli; keratinisation often prominent+
Transitional cell metaplasiaDucts and acini lined by multilayered epithelium similar to urotheliumSmall to medium sized nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli; luminal cells larger than those in the intermediate and basal layers+− to ± (scattered luminal cells)