Table 1 Overview of morphological classification, ploidy and immunohistochemical analyses of tissue samples gathered from 31 patients with longstanding UC
DiagnosisPatientsSamplesSamples for ploidy analysisAneuploid samples∗Protein expression (%)
Aurora ABUB1BMad2Ki67
No dysplasia3016515930 (19%)4074327
Ind. dysplasia1230298 (28%)31104627
Dysplasia1433329 (28%)24104128
Cancer811116 (55%)45123225
Total24923153 (23%)
  • ∗Reflects the mean % of positive epithelial cells for each sample.

  • †p-Value describing the difference in protein expression in dysplastic versus non-dyplastic mucosa.

  • ‡Total 31 patients, 19 patients had ⩾2 morphological diagnoses in their colons.