Table 3

 Multivariate analysis

Standardised regression coefficientp Value
PCD, Pearson coefficient of dissymmetry; RBC, red blood cell.
Models included underlying pathologies, age, RBC count, leucocyte count, platelets, blood sugar, C reactive protein, sodium and urea concentrations and calculated osmolality.
PCD (n = 103), r2 = 0.22F = 5.3<0.001
    Terminal renal failure0.76<0.001
    Acute inflammatory state0.52<0.001
    Diabetes mellitus0.48<0.001
    RBC count0.260.034
Spherical index (n = 103), r2 = 0.13F = 3.490.01
    Diabetes mellitus−0.410.002
    Terminal renal failure−0.370.002
    Acute inflammatory state−0.340.002