Table 1 Comparison of patients with giant cells (GC) present (n = 76) to those without giant cells present (n = 16)
StatisticGiant cell (n = 76)Non-giant cell (n = 16)p Value
    AgeMean (SD)74.6 (7.9)75.8 (4.8)0.58*
    Sex (females)No. (%)47 (61.8%)11 (68.8%)0.60‡
Clinical course
    Erythrocyte sedimentation rateMedian (range)81.5 (24.0–448.0)70.0 (7.0–110.0)0.55†
    Polymyalgia rheumaticaNo. (%)28 (36.8%)2 (12.5%)0.059‡
    Hospitalised at diagnosisNo. (%)10 (13.2%)3 (18.8%)0.69§
    BlindnessNo. (%)12 (16.2%)1 (6.3%)0.45§
    Relapses needing treatmentNo. (%)29 (50.9%)6 (54.6%)0.99§
    Starting steroid doseMedian (range)60.0 (20.0–1250.0)80.0 (60.0–1250.0)0.11†
    Length of steroidsMean (SD)22.3 (9.2)22.9 (8.1)0.84*
Presenting symptoms (yes)
    HeadacheNo. (%)52 (68.4%)11 (68.8%)0.98‡
    VisionNo. (%)38 (50.0%)7 (43.8%)0.65‡
    ScalpNo. (%)19 (25.0%)2 (12.5%)0.35§
    JawNo. (%)30 (39.5%)4 (25.0%)0.28‡
    Muscle/jointNo. (%)21 (27.6%)4 (25%)0.99§
    FeverNo. (%)9 (11.8%)3 (18.8%)0.43§
    FatigueNo. (%)11 (14.5%)2 (12.5%)0.99§
  • Note that missing values were present for: erythrocyte sedimentation rate (6 in GC, 1 in non-GC); blindness (2 in GC); relapses needing treatment (19 in GC, 5 in non-GC); starting steroid dose (3 in GC, 1 in non-GC); and length of steroid treatment (19 in GC, 6 in non-GC).

  • *Two-sample t-test; †Wilcoxon test; ‡χ2 test; §Fisher’s exact test.