Table 3

Clinical and pathological findings of multicentric Castleman's disease and systemic IgG4-related lymphadenopathy

FindingsMulticentric Castleman's disease (present series)Systemic IgG4-related lymphadenopathy (data from Sato et al8)p Value*
Clinical findings
 Systemic lymphadenopathyYesYes
 Polyclonal hypergammaglobulinaemiaYesYes
 Elevated serum IgG levelYes (mean±SD 5354.33±2278.67 mg/dl)Yes (mean±SD 3651.8±1214.1 mg/dl)NS
 Elevated serum IgA levelYes (mean±SD 708.35±241.65 mg/dl)No (mean±SD 228.5±135.73 mg/dl)0.003
 Elevated serum IL-6 levelYes (mean±SD 22.35±8.77 pg/ml)No (mean±SD 8.45±11.61 pg/ml)0.039
 Elevated CRP levelYes (mean±SD 7.50±2.70 mg/dl)No (mean±SD 0.29±0.25 mg/dl)0.001
 AnaemiaYes (haemoglobin level: mean±SD 10.30±2.37 g/dl)No (haemoglobin level: mean±SD 12.96±1.61 g/dl)0.034
 HypoalbuminaemiaYes (albumin level: mean±SD 2.7±0.73 g/dl)No (albumin level: mean±SD 3.71±0.48 g/dl)0.011
 HypocholesterolaemiaYes (total cholesterol: mean±SD 113.40±18.98 mg/dl)No (total cholesterol: mean±SD 163.1±28.11 mg/dl)0.009
Pathological findings
 Germinal centreSmall and regressiveNormal–hyperplastic
 Interfollicular areaSheets of proliferating mature plasma cellsProliferation of mature plasma cells with plasmacytoid cells and immunoblasts
 Eosinophil infiltrationNoYes
  • * p<0.05 was considered statistically significant.

  • CRP, C-reactive protein; Ig, immunoglobulin; IL-6, interleukin-6; NS, not significant.