Table 1 Histological grading for bone marrow iron status according to Gale et al8
Grade 0NoneNo visible iron under high power magnification (×1000)
Grade 1Very slightSmall iron particles just visible in few reticulum cells under high power magnification (×1000)
Grade 2SlightSmall, sparsely distributed iron particles just visible under low power magnification (×100)
Grade 3ModerateNumerous small iron particles present in reticulum cells throughout the marrow fragment (×100)
Grade 4Moderate heavyLarger iron particles throughout the fragment with tendency to aggregate into clumps (×100)
Grade 5HeavyDense, large clumps of iron throughout the fragment (×100)
Grade 6Very heavyVery large deposits of iron, both intra- and extra-cellular, obscuring cellular detail in the fragment (×100)