Table 3

Recommended antibiotic regimens to treat methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) (from Health Protection Agency guidance19

Infection*Antibiotic6Adult dosageDuration
Minor furunculosis, folliculitis and small abscesses without cellulitisNO antibiotics; perform incision and drainage if necessary
Other non-suppurative very minor skin and soft tissue infections.MupirocinTopically three times a day5 days
Moderate skin and soft tissue infection; treat empirically with two agents and then be guided by antibiotic susceptibility resultsRifampicin300 mg twice a day5–7 days
PLUS doxycycline (not children)100 mg twice a day
 or sodium fusidate500 mg three times a day
 or trimethoprim200 mg twice a day
OR clindamycin alone450 mg four times a day
On advice of microbiologist/hospitalThird line: linezolid600 mg twice a day
Severe skin and soft tissue infection with systemic symptoms or pneumoniaRefer immediately