Table 4

Original and light microscopic diagnosis of the light microscopically discrepant cases

CaseSiteClinical diagnosisOriginal light microscopic diagnosisSecond light microscopic diagnosisDiscrepancy type
1OesophagusHistory of eosinophilic oesophagitis, eosinophilia? Inflammation?Eosinophilic oesophagitisMassive eosinophilic infiltration, not enough for eosinophilic oesophagitis but consistent with refluxMild
2PlacentaMissed abortion, trophoblastic changes or other abnormality?Parts of first trimester pregnancy with degenerative changes and signs of IUFD and parenchyma changes suggestive of CHX abnormalityFirst trimester parenchymal tissue with a signs of IUFDMild
3PlacentaPremature delivery, placental abnormality?Extensive chorioamnionitis especially in the chorionic plate, and features suggestive of CAOSNo inflammation, no ischaemia, no villitis, some degenerative changes in the membranes, iron deposition in chorionic plate. The picture is consistent with mild COASMild
4PlacentaSpontaneous abortion, abnormalities?35 weeks placenta with less than 5% micro-infarction, no other abnormality seenGrade one chronic villitis, ischaemia and small infarction, normal maturation (close to term)Mild
5PlacentaPremature delivery. Chorioamnionitis?Placenta with normal weight and first signs of chorioamnionitisNormal for gestational age, no inflammation, no funiculitis, no chorioamnionitisMild
6PlacentaDichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancy, IUGRMild chorioamnionitis and chronic villitis from unknown aetiology Bichorionic placenta. The first part shows some increase in the maturation. The second placenta shows more advanced maturation and mild chronic villitis.Mild
7PlacentaDiabetic and hypertensive mother, pre-eclampsia? Infarction?Placenta, mild chorioamnionitis and infarctionRecent and old infarction, no signs of maternal diabetesMild
  • WSI, whole slide images.