Table 1

Topics to be covered during the 2–3-month attachment

Outline of topicDescription
DNAOverview, structure, replication
RNATranscription, types/structures, RNA polymerases, regulation of transcription, microRNAases
ProteinsAmino acids, genes and genetic code, translation
NA extraction methodsIsolation of DNA and RNA, assessment of quality and quantity of nucleic acids
PCRHistory of PCR, advanced PCR and PCR optimisation, PCR detection and evaluation techniques, limitations of PCR and troubleshooting
Analysis and characterisation of NAHybridisation technologies, detection systems, results interpretation
Nucleic acid amplificationTarget, probe and signal amplification
Gene mutationsTypes, detection and nomenclature of gene mutations
DNA sequencingDirect sequencing, bioinformatics
Molecular oncologyAnalytic targets of molecular testing, gene rearrangements
High-throughput technologiesDNA/RNA microarrays, NGS and TGS, whole genome sequencing
Validation and optimisation proceduresR&D within molecular diagnostics present and future
Quality control and quality assuranceDiscussion of QA and QC in molecular diagnostics
Regulation in the use of human tissues for researchIntroduction to biobanking, research ethics and research governance within academia and the healthcare setting
Core skills in slide annotationBe able to identify and annotate areas for macrodissection relevant to downstream testing. Be able to assign percentage tumour content
Core skills in macrodissectionTaught how to perform tissue macrodissection procedures
Core skills in DNA extractionTaught how to perform DNA extraction procedures
  • QA, quality assurance; QC, quality control; NA, nucleic acid; NGS, Next Generation Sequencing; TGS, Third Generation Sequencing.