TableĀ 6

Circulating miRNA in patients with pancreatic lesions

miRNAMaterialLesions vs controlsmiRNA statusReferences
miR-21PlasmaPC vs healthy subjectsUpregulated69
PlasmaPC vs healthy subjectsUpregulated77
SerumPDAC vs CP vs healthy subjectsUpregulated78
SerumPC vs healthy subjectsUpregulated74
miR-221PlasmaPC vs benign lesions vs healthy controlsUpregulated71
SerumPC vs CRCUpregulated79
miR-155PlasmaPC vs healthy subjectsUpregulated77
PlasmaPC vs CPUpregulated79
SerumPDAC and CP vs healthy subjectsUpregulated78
Pancreatic juice, bile, plasmaPDAC vs CPUpregulated61
Pancreatic juicePC vs CP vs healthy subjectsUpregulated53
miR-210PlasmaPC vs healthy subjectsUpregulated77
PlasmaPC vs healthy subjectsUpregulated70
PDAC vs non-pancreatic non-healthy controlsUpregulated62
miR-196PlasmaPC vs healthy subjectsUpregulated77
PlasmaPC vs CPUpregulated73
SerumPDAC and CP vs healthy subjectsUpregulated78
miR-10SerumPC vs healthy subjectsUpregulated79
PlasmaPDAC vs control normal subjectsUpregulated94
  • Only miRNA observed deregulated in at least two papers have been reported.

  • CP, chronic pancreatitis; CRC, colorectal carcinoma; PC, pancreatic cancer; PDAC, pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.