Table 2

PD-L1 expression in cases with R/M HNSCC according to patients’ characteristics (with statistically significant differences)

VariablesOverall (n=402)PD-L1 with CPS ≥20 (n=168)PD-L1 with CPS <20 (n=234)OR (95% CI)*P value*
 Male346129 (37.3%)217 (62.7%)3.86 (2.097 to 7.101)<0.0001
 Female5639 (69.6%)17 (30.4%)
Smoking habit
 Current smoker9433 (35.1%)61 (64.9%)1
 Former smoker12543 (34.4%)82 (65.6%)0.97 (0.553 to 1.700)0.9135
 Non-smoker17790 (50.8%)87 (49.2%)1.91 (1.141 to 3.203)0.0138
Primary tumour site
 Oral cavity18998 (51.9%)91 (48.1%)1
 Oropharynx227 (31.8%)15 (68.2%)0.43 (0.169 to 1.111)0.0817
 Hypopharynx7013 (18.6%)57 (81.4%)0.21 (0.109 to 0.412)<0.0001
 Larynx9938 (38.4%)61 (61.6%)0.58 (0.352 to 0.949)0.0304
 Others2212 (54.5%)10 (45.5%)1.11 (0.459 to 2.704)0.8109
  • Footnote: The row percentage is calculated.

  • *OR, 95% CI or p value are calculated by univariate logistic regression. P values are rounded to four decimal places. OR values are rounded to two decimal places. The lower and upper bounds of CI are rounded to three decimal places.

  • CPS, combined positive score; PD-L1, programmed death-ligand 1; R/M HNSCC, recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.