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Colonic angiomyolipoma with a monotypic expression and a predominant epithelioid component
  1. M Abdulkader1,
  2. J Abercrombie1,
  3. T A McCulloch2,
  4. P V Kaye1
  1. 1Queens Medical Centre University Hospital, Nottingham NG7 2UH, UK
  2. 2Nottingham City Hospital, Nottingham NG5 1PB, UK
  1. Correspondence to:
 Dr P V Kaye
 Department of Histopathology, Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham NG7 2UH, UK;


Angiomyolipomas are rare lesions, often arising in the kidney, and are part of a group of tumours with a diverse appearance and evidence of dual melanocytic and smooth muscle differentiation known as PEComas (tumours of perivascular epithelioid cell origin). This report describes an unusual case of a colonic PEComa in a 40 year old woman. Unlike most of the previous colonic angiomyolipomas/PEComas reported in the literature, this case formed a large, mainly extrinsic mass and was monotypic, and composed entirely of the myomatous component with no adipose tissue or typical vasculature.

  • PEC, perivascular epithelioid cell
  • colon
  • PEComa
  • angiomyolipoma
  • epithelioid
  • HMB-45

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  • The patient gave her full consent for this case report to be published