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The Journal of Clinical Pathology wishes to inform its readers of the authors' retraction of the following article for redundancy.

The original article by D de Jong, W Xie, Rosenwald, M Chhanabhai, P Gaulard, W Klapper, A Lee, B Sander, C Thorns, E Campo, T Molina, A Hagenbeek, S Horning, A Lister, J Raemaekers, G Salles, R D Gascoyne and E Weller entitled “Immunohistochemical prognostic markers in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma: validation of tissue microarray as a prerequisite for broad clinical applications (a study from the Lunenburg Lymphoma Biomarker Consortium)” (J Clin Pathol 2009;62:128–38; doi:10.1136/jcp.2008.057257) published online on 15 September 2008 contained substantial overlap in text, data, and conclusions compared with a previous article with the same title published in Journal of Clinical Oncology on 1 March 2007 by Daphne de Jong, Andreas Rosenwald, Mukesh Chhanabhai, Philippe Gaulard, Wolfram Klapper, Abigail Lee, Birgitta Sander, Christoph Thorns, Elias Campo, Thierry Molina, Andrew Norton, Anton Hagenbeek, Sandra Horning, Andrew Lister, John Raemaekers, Randy D Gascoyne, Gilles Salles and Edie Weller (doi:10.1200/JCO.2006.09.4490).

In addition, the authors did not cite the Journal of Clinical Oncology article in the paper published in Journal of Clinical Pathology.

Authors' statement

“We have requested the retraction of this paper for redundancy. In our enthusiasm to reach as broad an audience as possible for our study, we have published two articles (de Jong et al, J Clin Pathol 2009;62:128–38 and de Jong et al, J Clin Oncol 2007;25:805–12) with inappropriate textual overlap and insufficient emphasis in the JCP paper on the technical information of relevance for pathologists. We further compounded our error by not citing the JCO paper in the text. While emphasizing that our intentions were honourable, we acknowledge our mistakes and apologize unreservedly to JCP, JCO and their readership.”

D de Jong, W Xie, Rosenwald, M Chhanabhai, P Gaulard, W Klapper, A Lee, B Sander, C Thorns, E Campo, T Molina, A Hagenbeek, S Horning, A Lister, J Raemaekers, G Salles, R D Gascoyne, E Weller

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